With the Animal Rights Nuts now going full force after the take down of Greyhound racing I want to talk about one of the most recent Dog Sports in their cross hairs at this time of year, the Iditarod dog race, also been called the “Great Race of Mercy”. This race has been in existence since March 3, 1973 and it runs every year from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska on the first Saturday of March and ends when the last mushing team crosses the finish line. This race is run as a tribute to the heroic efforts of dogs and mushers who helped save the people of Nome, Alaska in 1925, who suffered an outbreak of diphtheria that had potential to wipe out most of the region’s population of only about 10,000. The race is also a way to keep this historic trade route alive, the Iditarod Trail, also known as the Seward-to-Nome Mail Trail. It is impassable during all seasons but Winter and during this outbreak air delivery was unavailable, there were no roads or trains to Nome, nor could ships reach the town because of the sea ice. Their last resort was finding the fastest teams of sled dogs and mushers to save Nome.
With the introduction of snowmobiles to Alaska, the culture and possibly even an entire breed of canine was going to meet its end. A man by the name of Joe Redington saw this and wanted to preserve the Alaskan Husky (different breed than the more common Siberian Husky) and the historic trail between Seward and Nome. Joe Redington is known as the “father of Iditarod”, he is the man that had the drive to get this race started, with help from Dorothy G. Page, chairman of the Wasilla-Knik Centennial Committee.

The Animal Rights activists have brainwashed the common pet owner with false information. All of that stuff that you read that dogs are suffering and being forced to run so not true. Anyone we’re even the slightest common sense knows you can’t force a dog to run competitively. A dog will only run with competitive time if the dog loves what it’s doing.
Here is a Facebook post from a volunteer at one of the checkpoints during the race:
I fear that I will see the extinction of working dogs & dog sports during my time on earth. And this will be a great loss to many breeds and the whole culture of people who love their dogs and love giving their dogs jobs to do. Dogs with jobs are happier and healthier than their obese counterparts on your couch. Not to mention it’s an excellent way to bond with your pooch and meet more people in the sport world who want to truely protect companion animals.